function snr_curve(raw1, raw2, black_level, white_level, fit_model) % extracts the SNR curve from two test images, taken with identical settings % from the same static scene; method inspired from (but not identical to) % % % parameters: % - raw1, raw2: CR2 file names, to be read via dcraw % (so, make sure dcraw is in your PATH) % - black_level, white_level: find them with exiftool % (white level may be also found with prctile(im(:),99.99)) % - fit_model: optionally fit a noise model, estimating how much % is read noise and how much is Poisson shot noise, % and figuring out the gain (e/DN) and the full-well capacity % % (c) 2014 a1ex. GPL. disp('reading images...') im1 = read_cr2(raw1, 0); im2 = read_cr2(raw2, 0); imdif = im1 - im2; imavg = (im1 + im2) / 2; signal = []; noise = []; [H, W] = size(im1); disp('sampling...') for k = 1:10000 x = round(50 + rand() * (W - 100)); y = round(50 + rand() * (H - 100)); [avg, unused] = sample_patch(imavg, x, y, 8); if avg < white_level - 300 [unused, stdev] = sample_patch(imdif, x, y, 8); stdev = stdev / sqrt(2); signal(k) = log2(max(1, avg - black_level)); noise(k) = log2(stdev); end end if fit_model disp('fitting...') model = fminsearch(@(x) check_noise_model(x, signal, noise), [8 1]); read_noise = model(1); gain = model(2); read_noise gain model_signal = linspace(0, log2(white_level - black_level), 100); dn = 2.^model_signal; electrons = dn * gain; shot_snr = sqrt(electrons); shot_noise = dn ./ shot_snr; model_noise = log2(sqrt(read_noise.^2 + shot_noise.^2)); full_well = round((white_level - black_level) * gain); full_well plot(signal, signal-noise, '.b', model_signal, model_signal-model_noise, '-r', 'linewidth', 3); legend('Measured SNR', 'Fitted SNR model', 'location', 'southeast') else plot(signal, signal-noise, '.b'); legend('Measured SNR', 'location', 'southeast') end grid on max_signal = log2(white_level - black_level); axis([max_signal-15 max_signal -2 10]) xlabel('Input signal (EV), showing 15 stops below white level'); ylabel('SNR, from -2 EV to +10 EV'); end function err = check_noise_model(model, input_signal, measured_noise) read_noise = model(1); gain = model(2); dn = 2 .^ input_signal; electrons = dn * gain; shot_snr = sqrt(electrons); shot_noise = dn ./ shot_snr; combined_noise = sqrt(read_noise.^2 + shot_noise.^2); delta = measured_noise - log2(combined_noise); err = norm(delta); end function [avg, stdev] = sample_patch(im, x, y, radius) % sample channels of the same color from a Bayer grid patch = im(y-radius : 2 : y+radius, x-radius : 2 :x+radius); avg = mean(patch(:)); stdev = std(patch(:)); end function im = read_cr2(filename, also_ob) if also_ob dcraw = "dcraw -c -4 -E"; else dcraw = "dcraw -c -4 -D"; end system(sprintf('%s %s > tmp.pgm', dcraw, filename)); im = double(imread('tmp.pgm')); system('rm tmp.pgm'); end