ELF(4( /@-2 0 s@-P/@P` V``V l0H R000 RH` , QЍp  H`8@-@PP0T@PT8@-8@M00S  0Ѝp@- MPaL0D00@4@ PPLL@0 010CB>A>A0B01 PU0  Q\R00t,0STTHP , 3 ?NRX`|vsyncDebugPoint the camera to a blinking LED... Syncing... Received: %x (%d ) => thr=%d Warning: blinking too fast Sync OK. %sCBR_VSYNCdeblink_vsync_cbrdeblinkDecode LED blinksDecode messages encoded as LED blinks.Z {cXHalex@thinkpad Build user2014-08-21 09:22:39 UTCBuild datea6d6b81 on 2014-08-01 10:00:03 UTC by a1ex: Added a module for decoding LED blinks (deblink.mo) Last updateIf you have a camera that no longer boots, you may examine its startup process by compiling the dm-spy-experiments branch with CONFIG_DEBUG_INTERCEPT_STARTUP_BLINK=y in your Makefile.user. This will intercept all Canon diagnostic messages, and encode them as LED blinks. This module decodes those messages (it runs from a second camera, which should be pointed at the card led of the first one). It works best at 50/60 FPS. DescriptionDecode diagnostic messages sent by another camera via card ledSummaryGPLLicensea1exAuthorBlink decoderNameGCC: (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors) 4.8.3 20131129 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_8-branch revision 205641]A&aeabi5TE .symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.rodata.str1.1.rel.data.rel.module_strings.bss.comment.ARM.attributes@   %2`8H4 P B> H R4W0q`p]'p$    @<H/  <CXdutHL(deblink_deinitdeblink_initdeblink_vsync_cbrdeblink_taskprintfrun_in_separate_taskinfo_led_onmsg_queue_create__module_info_deblinkmenu_addinfo_led_off__module_strings_deblinkget_spot_yuvmsg_queue_postconsole_show__module_cbr_deblinkmsleepmsg_queue_receive,8<@D\dp   , <      $ 4LPXx  $(,048<