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Use the same settings, a solid tripod, and 10-second timer.You may need to solder some RAM chips :(Sampling data... Fitting SNR curve... Measured OB noise: %s%d.%02d DN Model read noise: %s%d.%02d DN Model gain : %s%d.%02d e/DN Apparent read noise: %s%d.%02d e Full well capacity : %d e Dynamic range : %s%d.%02d EV a = [%d ]; b = [x = [y = [R = mod(x,2) == 0 & mod(y,2) == 0; G = mod(x,2) ~= mod(y,2); B = mod(x,2) == 1 & mod(y,2) == 1; plot(log2(a(R)), log2(b(R)), '.r'); hold on; plot(log2(a(B)), log2(b(B)), '.b') plot(log2(a(G)), log2(b(G)), '.g') wa = prctile(a(:), 99); wb = prctile(b(:), 99); disp(sprintf('Exposure difference (median): %%.2f EV', median(real(log2(b/wb)-log2(a/wa))))) clip = median(a(b>wb-200 & b Exposure difference (median brightness, or from clipping point).Compare 2 Shots HLSame analysis, but zoom on the highlights when plotting (top 4 EV).You need something overexposed in the image (e.g. a light bulb).Dark Frame NoiseCompute mean, stdev and histogram from the entire image.Make sure you take a dark frame (with lens cap on).Dark Frame GrayscaleRender the raw image as downsampled grayscale (reveals FPN).Dark Frame FPNFixed-pattern noise (banding) analysis.Dark Frame FPN xcovCompare FPN between two successive dark frames.You will have to take two dark frames (with lens cap on).Optical Black + DRFrom OB: mean, stdev, histogram. Also white levels and DR.Optical Black ZonesPROP_GUI_STATEanalysis.ob_zonesanalysis.cmp.hlanalysis.cmpanalysis.jpganalysis.noise.x2analysis.snr.x2analysis.snranalysis.dark.fpn.xcovanalysis.dark.fpnanalysis.dark.grayanalysis.dark.noiseanalysis.ob_drscreenshotenabled-Please wait... (crunching numbers)OB errorOptical black: mean %d, stdev %s%d.%02d White level: %d (%d) Dyn. range: %s%d.%03d EV %s, %s, ISO %d %s %s%d.%dEntire image: mean %d, stdev %s%d.%02d (assuming it's a dark frame)%s, %s ISO %d %s %s%d.%d%draw_diag.c Q`np `# P> @[ 0n  Z ( H8 Dc z    I Y  " G   _  *> )lCV%Yn%%&`Ls  /<SexLHtmh`\T{cXHalex@thinkpad Build user2016-09-05 09:53:17 UTCBuild date0381ad6 on 2015-03-12 08:34:52 UTC by a1ex: raw_diag: fix warning Last updateTechnical analysis of the raw image data: * Optical black analysis: mean, stdev, histogram, dynamic range. * Dark frame analysis: same as OB, take a picture with lens cap on. * SNR analysis: plot a SNR graph from a defocused image that covers the entire tone range (from dark shadows to overexposed highlights). TODO: * noise autocorrelation, trend * detailed raw histogram, zoom on shadow and highlight areas. * SNR colors; option to reference the SNR graphs to the scene: http://theory.uchicago.edu/~ejm/pix/20d/tests/noise/DRwindow1d3.png DescriptionTechnical analysis of raw image data. Noise, DR, SNR...SummaryGPLLicensea1exAuthorRAW DiagnosticsNameGCC: (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors) 4.8.3 20131129 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_8-branch revision 205641]A&aeabi5TE .symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.rodata.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.data.rel.config_vars.rel.module_strings.bss.comment.ARM.attributes@T p%0U,-2\U<2 i(O4j,K Y`rU jPsf  zv0vqpMw'twz \G   %AD3pB<,Uhbv x((2=RW`"oH 17"FO\fuP( $2DR\a!-7=I`r %36EN]ns 6ret_0raw_diag_deinitraw_diag_initraw_diag_taskiso_experimentdummy_test_brackettest_bracketsilent_zoom_bracketraw_diag_poll__module_config_raw_diagget_video_mode_namelens_get_from_other_picstyle_color_tonestrcpyclrscridle_globaldraw_disSW1__module_prophandler_raw_diag_0x80020000draw_line__mem_freerun_in_separate_taskpowfsnprintfraw_lv_requestmenu_open_submenu__aeabi_faddget_picstyle_nameNotifyBoxHidesqrtffont_small__module_strings_raw_diagcallmemcpy__aeabi_fcmpgtlv2rawroundf__aeabi_i2fis_filefont_medraw_update_paramsbm2lvraw_lv_releasemenu_add__aeabi_fsubNotifyBox__aeabi_fcmpge__module_prophandler_raw_diag_0x80020000_block__module_cbr_raw_diag__aeabi_fcmpledisplay_is_on__aeabi_idivredraw__module_prophandlers_raw_diagset_lv_zoomis_movie_modebmp_draw_rectimage_review_timeFIO_WriteFileread_filerandlens_get_from_other_picstyle_saturationcamera_modelraw_get_pixel_exstrncmpraw_infotake_screenshotlens_get_from_other_picstyle_contrast__aeabi_f2izfill_circle__aeabi_fdiv__mem_mallocshamem_readgui_statelog2ftask_create__module_info_raw_diagget_shooting_cardget_yuv422_vrammemset__aeabi_l2fFIO_RemoveFileidle_globaldraw_enbmp_putpixelvram_lvbmp_printfget_file_prefixlens_format_shutter__aeabi_fcmpeq__aeabi_fmulFIO_CloseFileraw_get_pixellvFIO_CreateFiledump_seg__aeabi_fcmplt__aeabi_uidivmodbeeplens_set_rawshutterlens_infoget_halfshutter_pressedbig_bmp_printfdraw_circlestrlenlens_get_from_other_picstyle_sharpnesssave_dng__aeabi_idivmodmsleepbmp_fillmenu_set_value_from_scriptbmp_string_width$<4< JXdt..OJd..,OLJdH.YODd`Hh.p5xb#O&d.5b#(d`OJ(#<.PO`5hbt#O&.^Da\ax^-Mb-MQ4^L^`|`^Xb5 h4MD#P+dMd u <l < u  w ^ b, 58 hH MX #d +x M u ^ . 5 S S, 54 b8 -< Md ^ ^  `T ^d Jh p     0   l       I I p8 ZH 4T GX \ ` d h l  e R b 5 #PP,X<X|<<<<5.O$+8+P5Xb`OdM\XX<<0<H<`dd.t#J,2(<4Jx<JTt X dlp _V /K^ ' @0t4!@3LtT)`tdpjxtZvvkvvvk4vDvTv\ktvvvkvvvkvvvk(,048@jHtPZdlj|tZvvkvvkj t0v8?DPXt`?httt?vemtmj6 m0t8<%DtTj\!lm|t3j[=!eA: 78+Tht.b5O#M5O <.,54b@bL#PM|ba4aXdbh&tO|b#&S5#u8P\<|^O.b:7M(^Tudx`<s^'l P*$^<^TXdXtXXXPP^ ^4EPi`Epiddd d, d b 5 7 S S 5 b b :!7 !M,!.H!5P!bd!bp!5|!:!7!M!\!#!-!M!b!M "b"M0"t\"^(#.8#b $.$b0$5@$bL$bX$:l$7|$M$.$5$b$b$5$:$7$M%Nd%Ol%Et%s|%.%b%#%E%s%.%b%#%h &b4&@&bD&&T&O\&bh&#l&&p&S|&5&:&S&5&b&b&:&7&M'.'5$'b4'sL'5X':l'7|'M'\'S'5'b'5':'7'M(\ (5((b4(5@(:T(7d(Mt(\(#(.(5(S(h(b(S(b(b)b)- )M$)5,)b0)-4)MD)bH)-L)M\)b`)-d)Mt)bx)-|)M)b)b)-)M)<)s*<$*sP*<`*s*<*s+<+s0+nH+\+|+++J+++++++0++ ,,,L,A,,:,:,7,7-+0-hL-.\-.h-bx-5-O-#-.-:-7-M-.-.-b.5.O.#(.:8..H.7X.Mt...5.O.5.O..../5/.$/b0/b> > >^@>`l><|>s> >b>->M>b>->M>b>->M>b?-?M?b?-?M0?